About …

(IPTC) contentGordon S. Buck

Gordon was born in Alabama, raised in Mississippi and has been living in Louisiana for many years.  He has many and varied interests — which is why this blog is and will be somewhat random in nature.

Gordon has a BS in mechanical engineering from Mississippi State University and an MS in mechanical engineering from Louisiana State University.  He held various engineering positions with Gulf Oil, Eastman Kodak and Exxon in the chemical and refining industries.  He was Regional Sales Manager for United Centrifugal Pump Company and retired as Chief Engineer, Field Operations for John Crane, Inc.

Gordon has many technical publications, especially in the areas of centrifugal pumps and mechanical seals.  Those specialties will have their own blogs and will rarely be addressed in this blog.

Photography is also a long time interest.  Gordon is a member and past president of the Louisiana Photographic Society and was named Photographer of the Year several times.  Photography and related subjects will usually be addressed in Gordon’s Light Description blog.

Genealogy is another long time hobby of Gordon’s.  His Buck Family of Virginia blog provides the early history of his Buck ancestors.

A more recent interest is in airguns including BB, pellet and airsoft types of airguns.  Those posts will be in this blog.

Doubtless, thoughts and experiences on other topics will be posted in the future.


Nearly random thoughts and experiences